gall bladder: a sac located under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile produced in the liver. Bile aids in the digestion of fats, and is released from the gallbladder into the upper small intestine (duodenum) in response to food (especially fats). Conditions which slow or obstruct the flow of bile out of the gallbladder result in gallbladder disease.
gallbladder and liver meridians: the liver (Yin) and the gall bladder (Yang) are considered paired organs. They correspond to Wood in the “Five Phases,” eastern direction, spring, windy climates and the color green. They are further associated with sour taste, an odor resembling that of a goat, anger and the sound of shouting. Their point of outside contact is through the eyes. They control the sinews (muscles and joints), and their health is reflected in the fingernails and toenails.
GALT: stands for Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue, which is Lymphoid tissue in the gut, which is comprised of the following: tonsils, adenoids . The tonsils and adenoids are made of lymph tissue and help to fight off infection. Also the peyer's patches which is large aggregates of lymphoid tissue found in the small intestine. Also Lymphoid aggregates in the appendix and large intestine, and lymphoid tissue accumulating with age in the stomach. Small lymphoid aggregates in the oesophagus, and diffusely distributed lymphoid cells and plasma cells in the lamina propria of the gut.
Gammadyn Cu: a Seroyal remedy, it is a sublingual oligo-element preparation of bioavailable copper required by the body to maintain a healthy immune system. Gammadyn Cu helps to decrease acute and chronic bacterial infections, and is indicated for conditions such as allergies, infections, chronic and acute inflammation, colds and flus, warts, and hepatic and digestive disorders.
Gammadyn Cu-Au-Ag: a Copper-Gold-Silver Seroyal remedy that potentiates adrenal function and can decrease fatigue associated with hypoadrenalism. This oligo-element is also important in immune function and helps activate the mechanisms of cellular and humoral immunity. This oligo-element is indicated in conditions such as arthritis, chronic rheumatism, skin and collagen disorders such as psoriasis and acne, immune depletion and infectious diseases.
Gammadyn K: a Potassium remedy by Seroyal, Gammadyn K acts intracellularly to regulate osmotic pressure, protein solubility and membrane permeability. Potassium is vital to the conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and overall intracellular fluid balance. This oligo-element is indicated in conditions such as electrolyte imbalance, impaired nerve transmission, water retention, circulatory disorders and arthritis.
Gammadyn Mg: a Magnesium remedy by Seroyal, Gammadyn Mg acts on the central nervous system, the musculo-skeletal system and the endocrine system. Magnesium is essential for normal bone formation, calcium metabolism, controlling membrane permeability, muscular contraction, nerve impulse conduction, blood viscosity, activation of enzyme systems, intracellular fluid regulation, protein synthesis and hormone regulation. This oligo-element is indicated for conditions such as osteo-articular and muscular disorders, muscle cramps, water retention, digestive disorders, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and premenstrual syndrome.
Gammadyn Mn-Co: a Manganese-Cobalt remedy made by Seroyal. This oligo-element is indicated for conditions such as osteoporosis, inflammatory and infectious diseases, pernicious anemia, hypertension, senility, & Alzheimer's disease. Gammadyn Mn-Co has its action on the central nervous system, the skin and the immune system and is formulated for individuals in mid-life or later. Manganese and cobalt also assists with detoxification and anti-oxidation.
Gammadyn Mn-Cu-Co: a Manganese-Copper-Cobalt remedy made by Seroyal. It is especially useful in a variety of inflammatory disorders. Manganese, Copper and Cobalt are essential for normal bone and collagen formation. This oligo-element is indicated for conditions such as colitis, gastritis, acne, anemia, periodontal disease, decalcification and hypothyroidism.
Gammadyn Ni-Co: a Nickel-Cobalt remedy made by Seroyal. Itacts as a coenzyme with phosphatases and insulin activity and affects the pituitary, liver and pancreas; assists with carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates insulin release and facilitats the release of pituitary hormones including adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Conditions include obesity, indigestion, pancreatitis, gastritis, skin disorders and pre-diabetic conditions.
Gammadyn Se: a Selenium remedy by Seroyal, this oligo-element is indicated for conditions such as immune deficiencies, auto-immune disorders, inflammatory disorders, pre-cancerous conditions, free radical damage such as cataracts, cardiomyopathies, skin and mucous membrane disorders and gastrointestinal disorders. Gammadyn Se enhances the detoxification and anti-oxidant processes of the cell. Selenium is an essential factor for glutathione peroxidase.
gammalinolenic acid: is an essential fatty acid (EFA) in the omega-6 family that is found primarily in plant-based oils. EFAs are essential to human health but cannot be made in the body. For this reason, they must be obtained from food. EFAs are needed for normal brain function, growth and development, bone health, stimulation of skin and hair growth, regulation of metabolism, and maintenance of reproductive processes.
gamma motor neurons: motor neurons which activate the contractile regions of intrafusal muscle fibers, thus adjusting the sensitivity of the muscle spindles to stretch. Gamma motor neurons may be "static" or "dynamic" according to which aspect of responsiveness (or which fiber types) they regulate. The alpha and gamma motor neurons are often activated together (alpha gamma coactivation) which allows the spindles to contribute to the control of movement trajectories despite changes in muscle length.
Garlic: a species of the onion family it has many medicinal uses in the following areas: Antibacterial, antifungal, blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, impotence, pregnancy, diabetes, as a cardioprotective, anti-oxidant, coughs and colds, stomach conditions, cancer, garlic supplements, garlic and cooking, for pets and other animals, and synergistic effect with other health food supplements.
Gates Foundation Resource List: published by Bill and Melinda Gates, this is a list of organizations offering help for grant seekers. Although not affiliated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the organizations on this list may provide additional guidance or support for some projects.
GB3 Group-Free newsletter: a website that give information on Nonprofit marketing put together by the GB3 Group.
Gelsemium Homaccord: a Heel remedy For the temporary relief of throbbing, recurrent, occipital head-ache, stiff neck and upper back neuralgia
Gem Stones: different gemstones have different therapeutic properties depending on their size, shape, exact composition, the skill of the weilder, etc. Natural stones are best and avoid wrapping the stone in metal (such as a silver wrap.) This website offers information on different stones.
Gemstones, The Essence of: a comprehensive book that presents both the outer and the inner wealth of 250 gemstones. Each gemstone is depicted in full color, with details of its chemical properties, sources throughout the world, healing powers, and appropriate fields of use. 1885394128/qid%3D924026157/002-1656585-6771650
Genestra Zn: a supplement by Seroyal that provides a highly bioavailable source of zinc in an aspartic acid chelated form for maximum absorption and utilization, and to specifically assist the endocrine and immune systems.
Genetically Engineered Food: food that contains genetically engineered ingredients. According to current statistics, 45% of corn and 85% of soybeans in the United States is genetically engineered (GE). Estimates of 70-75% of processed foods found at our local supermarkets are believed to contain GE ingredients. Genetic engineering of plants and animals is filled with controversy. Some scientists believe that they are able to improve the foods we eat with this technology. They are able to build vectors incorporated within genes of their choosing and inset these genes into the DNA of a living organism to produce the improved version with the new specific trait.
Gentamycin: an antibiotic, which belongs to the group of antibiotics known as Aminoglycosides. These types of antibiotics are effective against certain bacterial infections. Gentamicin is effective against gram negative infections. It works by killing the bacteria, through binding at a site on the bacterial ribosome. This causes the production of defective proteins, which are essential for the growth of the bacteria, eventually leading to the bacteria being killed. Gentamicin is used to fight many bacterial infections, such as that of the infection of outer ear canal, infections of the eye, infection of the blood etc. Like all aminoglycosides, when gentamycin is given orally, it is not effective. This is because it is absorbed from the small intestine, and then travels through the portal vein to the liver, where it is inactivated. Therefore, it can only be given intravenously, intramuscularly or topically.
Gentian: are known to people from North America and Europe as pretty, deep-blue flowers that are found in the Alps and Rocky Mountains. However, gentians occur on all continents except the Antarctic, and grow in a wide variety of habitats, from deserts, savannas, prairies, rainforests and temperate forests to the tundra. They can be small herbs that die off after only one season, shrubs, lianas or even large rainforest trees. Their flowers are often colorful (blue, pink, red, yellow), and the true blue gentians (Gentiana) are often grown in rock gardens. Gentians have been used by humans since ancient times as herbal remedies, and taste very bitter. In Africa gentians are used against malaria, in South America against snake bites, in Europe and Asia as digestives, and in Southeast Asia one species is harvested for its rot-resistant timber. Gentians are also included in perfumes, weight-loss products, skin care products, and homeopathic remedies.
Glacier Lily: a flower that blooms just after the snow melts, typically from late April through June. The flower has 6 curved yellow petals (actually 3 petals and 3 similar sepals) and 6 stamens - the pollen-bearing structures - that protrude from the flower's center. The leafless stems are curved at the top giving the flower a nodding or drooping look. Glacier lily bulbs were a food source for some Native American tribes. These deep-rooted bulbs were difficult to dig, which probably contributed to the fact that they were used infrequently. Bulbs were eaten boiled or dried to eat during the winter months. The bulbs can cause a burning sensation when eaten. Glacier lilies provide food for wildlife: bears, deer, elk, and bighorn sheep eat the bulbs and green seed pods. Ground squirrels and other rodents dig up the bulbs and store them for winter consumption.
Global Information Network on Chemicals: also known as GINC, it is a world wide information network for safe use of chemicals. GINC has three elements: First there is an institutional network with national, regional and international components to sustain and exploit the system. Second there is a computerized network. And at the center of the system there is chemical information of various types (e.g. chemical identification, hazard identification, physical/chemical properties, hazard and risk assessment, risk management, emergency response, emergency response, regulatory information) and from various sources, including international and national institutions as well as private sources.
Globulin: is a protein in the blood. Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, and a liquid called plasma. Plasma is made of serum and clotting proteins. Serum proteins include albumin (the main protein) and globulins. Globulins are roughly divided into alpha, beta, and gamma globulins. These can be separated and measured in a laboratory by techniques called electrophoresis and densitometry.
Glomerulonephritis: is a type of kidney disease that hampers your kidneys' ability to remove waste and excess fluids. Also called glomerular disease, glomerulonephritis can be acute, referring to a sudden attack of inflammation, or chronic, which comes on gradually. Glomerular disease can be part of a systemic disease, such as lupus or diabetes, or it can be a disease by itself – primary glomerulonephritis. Treatment depends on the type of glomerulonephritis you have.
glomerulus: is the main filter of the nephron (the nephron is the functional unit of the kidney, responsible for the actual purification and filtration of the blood). The Glomerulus is located within the Bowman's capsule of the verbrate kidney. The glomerulus resembles a twisted mass of tiny tubes through which the blood passes. The glomerulus is semipermeable, allowing water and soluble wastes to pass through and be excreted out of the Bowman's capsule as urine. The filtered blood passes out of the glomerulus into the efferent arteriole to be returned through the medullary plexus to the intralobular vein.
glucose: also known as monosaccharide (or simple sugar), it is an important carbohydrate in biology. The cell uses it as a source of energy and metabolic intermediate. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and starts cellular respiration in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The name comes from the Greek word glykys, which means "sweet", plus the suffix "-ose" which denotes a carbohydrate. Two isomers of the aldohexose sugars are known as glucose, only one of which (D-glucose) is biologically active. This form (D-glucose) is often referred to as dextrose (dextrose monohydrate), especially in the food industry. This article deals with the D-form of glucose. The mirror-image of the molecule, L-glucose, cannot be used by cells. Glucose is commonly available in the form of a white substance or as a solid crystal. It can also be commonly found as an aqueous solution.
glycogen: is the major form of stored carbohydrate in animals. This crucial molecule is a homopolymer of glucose. Glycogen is a very compact structure that results from the coiling of the polymer chains. This compactness allows large amounts of carbon energy to be stored in a small volume, with little effect on cellular osmolarity.
Glyoxal compositum: a Heel remedy that treats chronic illness and viral infections (such as colds & flu). It is also taken for increased energy utilization.
golgi tendon organs: a proprioceptor sensors that provide information about joint angle, muscle length, and tension, which is integrated to give information about the position of the limb in space. The golgi tendon organ are in series with muscle fibers, located in the tendons that attach muscle to bone. The sensory dendrites of the Golgi tendon organ afferent are interwoven with collagen fibrils in the tendon. When muscles contracts, the collagen fibrils are pulled tight, and this activates the Golgi tendon organ afferent. Because changes in muscle tension will provide different degrees of pull on the tendon, the Golgi tendon organ provides information about muscle tension. You might think that muscle stretch would also pull on the tendons and stimulate the Golgi tendon organ afferent but in truth, most of the force of a stretch is absorbed by the muscle itself. Therefore a muscle contraction is a much better stimulus for the Golgi tendon organ.
Grace, Stuart: a biophysicist living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. Originally trained in physics, his passion has always been the exploration of human consciousness. In the 1970s, before the fusion of science and spirituality became popular in our culture, Stuart lived and trained in a Zen Buddhist community - believing that the study of science and the distillation of the spirit were convergent paths towards the same essential unity. After years of exploring subtle energy phenomena, Stuart discovered a similarly subtle level of biology in the research of Antoine Béchamp, Günther Enderlein, Royal Rife, and others. He was inspired by these great scientists, but mindful of the fact that their theories (which reached as far back as the mid-1800s) needed to be revised in light of modern understanding of molecular, cellular, genetic, and evolutionary biology. The resulting synthesis of ideas forms the core of the new science of health called EcoBiotics. Working with these ideas, and building upon the classical field of darkfield live blood analysis, Stuart quickly discovered the techniques that lead to the development of DIAD EcoMicroscopy - a much deeper, more precise way to reveal and understand ecological patterns within the living body. Over the past eight years, he has applied this method to more than 1000 clinical cases with remarkable results.
Grant proposal writing: a webpage published by Writing for Business and Pleasure by Stephen Wilbers designated to giving rescources for grant writing.
Grant Writing, An Educator's Guide: a beginner's tool to grant and proposal writing for educational resources. It is designed for anyone beginning the process of grantwriting for a school or school district.
Grant Writing Links: a published list on the internet offering helpful links and guidance for grant writing.
Grant Writing USA: offers training programs and workshops across America that enhance performance in the areas of grant writing, grant maker research and relations, program planning, and personal and organizational excellence. Each element plays an important role in grant writing success and all are covered in their two-day workshop.
The Grantsmanship Center: founded in 1972 by Norton J. Kiritz to offer grantsmanship training to nonprofit and government agencies. Before this time, no such training existed and small organizations often lacked the skills to compete for grant opportunities. The Center began as a local project in Los Angeles, but as word of its alumni's successes spread, demand for trainings rapidly expanded. Soon organizations in other cities were asking to host training programs in their own communities. By 1975, The Grantsmanship Center was conducting more than 100 workshops a year across the country. Many valuable resources for grantseekers have also been produced by The Grantsmanship Center (also known as TGCI) throughout its history. Program Planning and Proposal Writing (PP&PW), The Grantsmanship Center's proposal writing guide written by Norton J. Kiritz, is the most widely read publication in nonprofit history. There are more than a million copies of PP&PW in print- and scores of government, foundation, and corporate grantmakers have adopted it as their preferred application format. Furthermore, The Grantsmanship Center News, also called Grantsmanship Center Magazine, has reached over 200,000 nonprofit and government agencies at its peak. These periodicals "paved the way for the journalists who today scrutinize charities and foundations with growing sophistication and skepticism," according to The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Archives are now available at the Library of Congress. Today The Grantsmanship Center conducts some 150 workshops annually in grantsmanship training, as well as earned income strategies for nonprofits. Each year, thousands of new graduates join their roster of more than 110,000 alumni. Graduates of The Grantsmanship Training Program also receive a membership package that includes discounts on future trainings for themselves and colleagues, discounts on Grantsmanship Center publications, access to their exclusive online databases of Government, Foundation and Corporate funding sources, and annual proposal reviews by workshop trainers.
Grantsmanship and Funding Newsletters: a Grants Information Collection is located in the Memorial Library at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, it is a collection of print and electronic materials that is open to the public. The collection's resources provide access to essential information related to grantsmanship, educational and research funding, as well as literature on proposal-writing, fundraising, nonprofit management, and philanthropy.
Grantsmanship Techniques: a library rescource put together by Michigan State University and is intended as a starting point for those who are interested in learning more about foundations, fundraising, proposal writing, nonprofit organizations, nonprofit organization administration, government funding, planned giving, prospect research, and voluntarism.
The Green Pharmacy: a book by James Duke, PhD. Duke points out that there's still a lot to learn about the healing power of plants, but what we do know is already prodigious. Much of that knowledge is gathered in The Green Pharmacy, an A-to-Z guide to that relies on plant-based medicines to cure what ails us. Between the listings, Duke crams personal anecdotes from a lifetime of studying herbs, berries, and bark. For example, he relates how he worried about telling a pregnant niece that ginger could help alleviate her morning sickness because he'd learned from a pharmacologist that ginger could also induce miscarriage. Then he solved the mystery: he'd recommended ginger tea, which contains about 250 milligrams of ginger. The Chinese, he learned, use about 80 times that much to end pregnancies--another testimony to the amazing versatility of these natural medicines. 0312966482/o/qid=932333983/sr=2-1/002-9115771-6105238
gutta percha: a natural latex obtained from Palaquium gutta and several other evergreen trees of East Asia. The latex, collected by felling or girdling the tree, is allowed to coagulate and is then washed, purified, and molded into bricks for shipping. Like caoutchouc, gutta-percha is a polyterpene, i.e., a polymer of isoprene (see rubber), but, unlike caoutchouc, it is not very elastic; the reason for the difference is that the polymer molecules in gutta-percha have a trans structure, whereas those of caoutchouc have a cis structure (see isomer). Gutta-percha is an excellent nonconductor and is often employed in insulating marine and underground cables. It is also used for golf-ball coverings, surgical appliances, and adhesives.