Pacific Northwest Foundation

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Latex Allergy




Pleomorphic Compendium








Nonprotocol Medicine & Dentistry


Introduction | Dentistry | Optimal Health


Body Biofeedback | Nutrition | Pleomorphism | Pollution and Detoxification

Advanced Medical Procedures for Naturopaths


“Non-protocol medicine, in my mind, is the only approach that makes sense to deal effectively with chronic pain and chronic illness. It can also be utilized for acute illnesses that would not be categorized as medical emergencies. In conjunction with state-of-the-art holistic dental diagnosis and treatment, true optimal health on the physical level becomes a reality. When utilized with the non-physical approaches to diagnosis and treatment, whole-person optimal health becomes possible.”

–Ann McCombs, D.O.


Optimal Health: an article by Ann McCombs, D.O. (reprinted with her permission). Subjects include nonprotocol diagnosis and treatment, protocol vs. nonprotocol doctors, functional- vs. crisis-oriented medicine, philosophical basis, and neural kinesiology.  Click here to read.


Definitions of Health & Wellness: as defined by the World Health Organization, the Alliance Institute for Integrative Medicine, the National Wellness Institute, and a variety of universities. Click here to read.