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Latex Allergy




Pleomorphic Compendium








Frank’s Case


Introduction | Progress Reports | Lab Reports | Medical History | Chief Complaints



January 2002 through June 2002



•Injure both shoulders
•Cranial sacral therapist
•Cranial Sacral
•CT Scan
•Right shoulder surgery
•Genital herpes
•Genital & oral herpes

January 2002
While pulling nails from our stairs after removing the carpet, I reinjured my shoulders. In that acupuncture had really helped several years earlier, I visited an acupuncturist twice this month. While the treatments helped, my shoulders’ function and discomfort did not make significant progress. I visited the cranial sacral therapist this month as well. My shoulder injuries seem to somehow make my back worse. We saw the psychologist for the last time; it was a virtual waste of money. Mr. Hyde persists.

February 2002
This month is a virtual repeat of January, except we don’t go to the psychologist.

March 2002
My body pain and fatigue are getting worse, not better. Once again I visit the acupuncturist twice and the cranial sacral therapist. My left shoulder has made significant progress. I use it to help lift the right arm on the rare occasions that I need to use the right. My dentist is encouraging in that my teeth have not deteriorated. I am such a pessimist now, particularly with Mr. Hyde lurking around every corner.

April 2002
My right shoulder continues to be a problem, so much so that my wife and I decide that I should have some sort of analysis. My internist sends me to a physical therapist who only makes it worse. So, while researching a possible orthopedic surgeon, I schedule an MRI arthrogram.

May 2002
I visit the cranial sacral therapist for the last time.

The results of the MRI arthrogram are not encouraging: that is an understatement. The doctor in charge of the procedure said he had never seen a rotator cuff tear worse than mine. Later in the month I have the surgery that lasted two hours. Three years later, reading the surgical report for the first time, the surgery really lasted one hour. I was anesthetized for two hours, but the surgeon discovered that all of the equipment for my procedure was not ready and had to wait for an hour before actually starting.

Upon awakening, I came to realized that I had never experienced so much constant pain. Lying down was extremely difficult. The best position was on my left side with pillows between my wife and me so she wouldn’t bump my right shoulder. Taking a shower was a challenge; my wife was a great assist. I had to determine how best to get out of bed not only without adding pain to my shoulder but not throwing my back out. In that I am right-handed, doing everything with my left hand added another level of challenge.

As seemed to be the usual correlation, the stress brought on another case of genital herpes. I visited the acupuncturist twice to help facilitate the healing.

June 2002
For the second time in as many years, I visited a dermatologist to check on the freckle on my left cheek. Once again he took a photograph of it.

My wife, who has been an RN since 1973, takes out the stitches. There are two in each of the three little incisions. I am amazed that these little holes can cause me so much pain on the one hand, and enable my shoulder’s repair on the other. Physical therapy begins. It really brings out the masochist in me. I had not at all anticipated the pain of stretching my shoulder. The sessions continue for almost six months and were occasions I would have gladly missed if I had had a viable alternative. I really hoped that someone had told me how uncomfortable it was going to be. Preparing for it would have made the entire experience much less unpalatable.

I saw the acupuncturist six times this month and once again got a case of genital and oral herpes. And the number of remedies I am taking has dramatically increased, in all probability to help my body deal with its post-surgery demands.

•Fungus on chest, back, and arms
•Itchy bumps
•Ear ringing (24/7)
•Immobile, painful right shoulder

•Skin pealing off face during morning shower (every other day)
•Burning feet sensation (every two-three days, particularly at night)
•Sore joints
•Herpes (c. twice every 6 months)
•Fatigue (every other day, particularly toward the end of the day)
•Irritable, irrational outbursts of anger


•BHI Spasm Pain
•Chelidonium Plex
•Coenzyme Compositum
•Gemmo Therapy
•Citri Linonum
•Corylus Avellana
•Mezereum Homaccord
•Somaplex Multi
•Ubichinon Compositum
•Pleo Alb
•Pleo Art A
•Pleo Art U
•Pleo Chrys
•Pleo Coli
•Pleo Cup
•Pleo Ex
•Pleo Muc
•Pleo Muc Ex
•Pleo Not
•San Burcel
•Pleo Form
•Pleo Myc
•Pleo Pin
•Pleo Quent
•Pleo Staph
•Pleo Trich
•Pleo Ut
•San Acne

•Benadryl (liquid and pill)

Vitamins and Minerals
•Buffered Vitamin C
•DMSA/Alpha Lipoic Acid
•Formic Acid
•Zn-Cu (Ionized)