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Latex Allergy




Pleomorphic Compendium








Frank’s Case


Introduction | Progress Reports | Lab Reports | Medical History | Chief Complaints



July 2000 through December 2000



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, don’t recognize myself at times, major loss of confidence.
Acupuncture: July/2, September, November, December
Cliff: December

•Network Chiropractor

•Massage Therapist

•Mild fungus on chest
•Itchy bumps on legs
•Ear ringing (24/7)
•Fatigue (particularly toward the end of the day)
•Raw/aching sensation on the skin of my head, trunk and thighs (particularly toward the end of the day)

•Skin pealing off face during morning shower (every other day)
•Burning feet sensation (every two-three days, particularly at night)
•Sore joints
•Herpes (c. twice every 6 months)
•Irritable, irrational outbursts of anger

July 2000
This month I again visit my naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist. The remedies and treatments have helped my fatigue diminish noticeably. I also, though reluctantly, visit an intuitive who is also a trained acupuncturist. She looks at your chakras and energy patterns and discusses the implications of what she sees. I also see my internist this month who informs me that I have had chronic fatigue syndrome.

August 2000
While I seem to be coming out of the woods of my chronic fatigue, I am far from whole. My energy level and my inability to deal with even minor stress persist. I am most concerned and continue to take all of the remedies for which I have been testing.

September 2000
I visit the naturopath again, who tests me with Neural Kinesiology. This testing process has been the utilized consistently since my first progress report in 1998. To get a flavor of how the analysis can work: my body’s priorities are (in order from the most to least important)
•Toxic ganglion
•Body defense
•Intra & extracellular chemistry
•Adaptive chemistry
•Nathaniel Brandon technique
•Essential oils
•IV bacteriostatic, H2O & Calcium Chloride
•General toxemia
•Food & environment

October 2000
Since my first appointment with a chiropractor in 1972, all of my treatments were with those who performed the most common manipulative processes, those that produced the cracking sounds. During those intervening years, I would sporadically see a chiropractor, whenever my back went out, up to twice a week. This month I visit the Network Chiropractor for the second time. (My first visit was last month but only for the initial testing and analysis.) The approach is very different. It is gentle and can take up to an hour. And I find that it relieves the pain and discomfort as much as the more interventionist adjustments that I had previously experienced.

November 2000
I continue taking various remedies; visit the acupuncturist and the intuitive, all in the hope, if not desperation, to find some way of curtailing my angry outbursts. I begin referring to them as “Mr. Hyde” (after Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).

While pulling nails out of the floor in our house, I once again reinjured both of my shoulders. This has happened numerous times since their original injury in 1964. The pain lasts for several days and I have more problems than usual. My arms are not nearly as functional as they had been, lasting for over a week. I cannot lift one arm over my head without lifting it with the other supporting it at the elbow.

December 2000
My body seems to be deteriorating, perhaps it is merely age. More likely it is accumulated damage. Some days my body hurts all over, not just the aching joints upon awakening. My hips, particularly my left, are giving me problems. I injured both of them the year before my shoulders, 1963. I see the naturopath and acupuncturist.

I also visit my dentist for a regular check up. I have been very lucky to have been born with really good teeth. While I required fillings as a kid, the five cavities were only superficial, the result of weak enamel, I was told.

•Mild fungus on chest
•Itchy bumps on legs
•Ear ringing (24/7)
•Fatigue (every day, particularly toward the end of the day)
•Raw sensation over my entire body

•Skin pealing off face during morning shower (every other day)
•Burning feet sensation (every two-three days, particularly at night)
•Sore joints
•Herpes (c. twice every 6 months)
•Irritable, irrational outbursts of anger



•Juve Cal
•Spasm Pain
•Ubichinon Compositum
•Unda (#'s 4, 5, 9, 24, 39, 44, 210, 219, 228, 243,)

•Muc XVitamins and Minerals
•DMSA/Alpha Lipoic Acid
•Flax Seed Oil
•Grape Pip
•IV bacteriostatic H2O& Calcium Chloride
•Lacto-S-Plus (Marco Pharma)
•Somaplex Multi 21
•Vitamin EOther
•Apex Cellular Recharge
•Apex Revital-ization
•Karok’s Oil
•Lipo Gen
•Pineal Glandular
•Ultraclear Sustain