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Frank’s Case


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January 2006 through June 2006



•Left shoulder rehab



•Energetic technology
•Blood test

•Massage therapy

•Plastic Surgeon
•Energetic technology

January 2006

My self-directed physical therapy concludes this month. Comparing it to my right shoulder, it went so much better in spite of the left shoulder surgery being so much more extensive and taking twice the time. I have to attribute it to the electro-acupuncture. I visit the naturopath/acupuncturist after taking a MEAD analysis. My cancer seems to have receded and the remedies I am taking significantly diminish. My old friends, ear ringing, fatigue, inability to handle much stress, and fungus persist. If I had my choice of which one to eliminate, it would be stress; I would like to be able to take on more.


February 2006

A group of us (I’m the only male) have started meeting with an intuitive on a regular basis. We try to get together monthly. The intuitive appears to have a wonderful gift, and we gather with her to not only get greater insight into our own personal issues but to determine if there are ways that we can help others. It is most challenging. She channels an entity who speaks to us as a group and then to each of us individually. Each of us has an opportunity to ask two questions during the session.

While my visits to various healthcare providers has diminished, I’m really looking forward to further distancing myself from all of this. Once again I have a MEAD analysis performed prior to visiting the naturopath. On the one hand I’m so grateful to be doing so well, on the other I want to get on with living a life unrelated to healthcare. Bottom line: I am really lucky and have so little to complain about.

March 2006

We gather with the intuitive once again. We are recording what we term as the “downloads” anticipating transcribing them. There is so much information in each session. We are excited about the process and what good we might be able to do not only for ourselves but for others. I am on the lookout for any indication that she might be faking it, not only from a common sense perspective but also because I have been fooled once before by the intuitive in Montana. While I believe they both have/had gifts, it was apparently so easy for “Montana” to lose her integrity and use her gift for nothing but financial gain.

I visit the surgeon who repaired my face after the malignant melanoma was removed. He is very pleased with the progress of the incisions’ healing as well as no reappearance of the cancer: my lymph nodes appear normal.


April 2006
I visit the energetic technologist  for the first time in several months in hope that he has something in store that can help me. I am concerned that the malignant melanoma might return. I have been told that if it does my prognosis is bad. So I am on the lookout for whatever might strengthen my immune system.

I have another MEAD analysis performed before visiting the naturopath for what will be the last time for several months. He is pleased with my progress, but I continue needing to take a variety of remedies.

I have an extensive blood test performed to determine if, among other things, there are any indications of the cancer raising its head again. (LINK)


May 2006

 By chance, while on a trip to Northern California, I was introduced to O-Tropin (Orenda International LINK) by an MD, PhD from China. I began to notice enhanced energy frequently after using the spray over the ensuing years.

This month I experience a first: a treatment by a licensed massage therapist. She aligns my structure to address all of the changes my body has encountered with the two shoulder surgeries.


June 2006

Once again, I visit the plastic surgeon that repaired my face after the malignant melanoma was removed. And once again he found no signs of the cancer returning. The incisions appear to have completely healed. I look a little differently than prior to the surgery, but I really have trouble caring. The area around the scars doesn’t have full sensation. Shaving (I use a razor blade) feels strange. And while I know that there isn’t a problem, I am reticent to shave over any more of the scars than absolutely necessary. Interestingly, my beard continues to grow in roughly the same areas around the scars as it did prior to the surgery.

I visit the dermatologist this month as well. He freezes and cuts off more growths, all of which test negative for cancer. (He says that in the more than 25 years of practice he has yet to lose a patient to malignant melanoma. I don’t want to set a record.)

For the first time in several years, I have a thermogram. I want to determine if my cancer is gone, and I have read and told that thermograms can detect cancer earlier than x-rays, CT scans, and PET scans. The results are negative.


•Fungus on chest, back, and arms
•Itchy bumps
•Ear ringing (24/7)
•Difficulty sleeping

•Skin pealing off face during morning shower (every three-four days)
•Really smelly breath (every two-three days)
•Burning feet sensation (every two-three days, particularly at night)
•Sore joints
•Fatigue (every two-three days, particularly toward the end of the day)
•Hip problems


O-Tropin, C to bowel tolerance,

 5htp, l-tyrosine, lacto, NeproTec, xmas holly, mistletoe, rosemary rec, ut, lari, Free and Easy Wanderer