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Dendroid Vacuoles
Dibasit (See Simple Tubules)
Dimychit (See Simple Tubules)
Elongating Spheres
Emerging Tubule
Erythrocyte Aggregation
Erythrocyte Symplast (See Erythrocyte Aggregation)
Fila on lysed WBC
Fila on RBC Debris
Filamentous Forms

Degressiv: regressive, for the comparative morphological directional course of Cyclogeny. (3)

a Dendroid Vacuoles are growth of a web of dendrites gluing the red blood cells together. In this form, the RBC’s serve as a nutrient base for the progression of all the Endobionts present. They contribute directly and indirectly to tissue hypoxia. In this form the RBCs are essentially useless as gas exchangers and the higher forms promoted by these regions secrete D(-) acids that can directly compete with the hemoglobin for oxygen binding. (1)

Designante: any morphological, physiological or biological characteristic, which is determinative, or a Cyclostage. A  Designante can also belong to several Cyclostages. If two or more mutually adjacent Designantes belong to sequential Cyclostages, then these Designantes are also characteristic of Formantes.  (3)

a Desme: chains and clusters of primitive, membrane bound forms. (See Chained Forms) Chain formation; a catenary succession of Mychits or Dimychits. (3)

Dibasit: (See Simple Tubules)

Dichogonidie: a Gonidie, which results from the decay (isomorphous Arthrogony) of a Dimychit (Plastit) into two Mychits (Dichogonidies). (3)

Didimychit: the union of two Dymychoses (= Dimychits) into one cell. It belongs biomorphologically to the Phytits and Ascits.  (3)

Didisporit: a Didimychit, which represents a permanent form corresponding to the Sporit. (3)

Difform: a Cyclostage or a colony is difform when it is comprised of individuals belonging to more than one Formante. (See Conform) (3)

Dimychit: (See Simple Tubules): the union of two Mychoses (= Mychits) into one cell. The two Mych are situated near the  two poles of the long, narrow cell. The Dimychit is, as a morphological unit, a constituent of all higher formations and higher Cyclostages of the Dimychoten. In formations, Dimychit is termed Dimychose. (3)

Dimychose: As opposed to the free Dimychit, i.e., a Dimychit in a cellular formation of two or more Dimychits into one cell.  Morphologically, therefore, Dimychit is totally identical with Dimychose. (3)

Dimychota: (plural) Phylum of the Mychota, comprising all bacteria which, at the zenith of Cyclogeny (Culmination), consists of one or more Dimychoses (= Dimychits). (See Monomychota) (3)

a Dioekothecits: are found in the blood in relatively small numbers, except in alarm situations. These thrombocyte forms are  released from the RBCs and are an expression of the cycle of the primary parasite. The related RBCs have a lumpy pseudo -crystalline appearance due to the damage sustained in association with this parasitism. They release sporoid-spermite into the blood to boost the body’s defenses and are an expression of the body’s defensive capabilities. The two spherical, slightly stippled forms near the center of this DIAD image are the primary isopathic regulators that Enderlein named Dioekothecits.

Dioekothecits are slightly smaller than Red Blood Corpuscles and, because they are spherical rather than bi-concave, they  move in a subtly different way than RBCs. The tiny, projecting fibers on the surface, which are very difficult to capture in a still  image, will eventually release when the membrane dissolves. Enderlein observed that when these released elements - which he named spermits for their close resemblance to sperm cells - came into close proximity with a tubular form, the larger tubule would literally disappear. He first noticed this effect working in 1916 with Bacillus typhosus (Typhoid Fever).

Enderlein soon discovered that a comparable developmental form existed for many of the bacteria he studied, and went on to describe the cyclical patterns involved in bacterial and fungal progression, and its complementary regulation through this process.

Dioekothecits are frequently confused with Echinocytes, which are RBCs that have developed sticky projections from their surfaces. Echinocytes frequently form when RBCs are crushed, whether accidentally, or as a deliberate transformation of the blood. Dioekothecits are even more frequently confused with fila - rings of tiny, flexible filaments that often develop from the central segments of broken RBCs.

You can identify Dioekothecits by noting several key features:

First, they are smaller than RBCs and are, as noted, spherical. Second, the projections form all over the surface of the sphere - not just around the edges as with fila. Third, the projections only move slightly, if at all. Projections on fila most often move very rapidly.And fourth, unlike the projections on Echinocytes, those on Dioekothecits are extremely thin. Finally, Echinocytes usually show distinct “peaks” and often also show acanthocytes spheres and other vacuoles.

In most blood fields, Dioekothecits will be quite rare. A larger number of these forms indicates that the body is in an active state of ecological alarm, working to down-regulate one or more families of pleomorphic pathogens. On the one hand, the ability to regulate is a good sign. On the other hand, the need to aggressively regulate is a strong indication of imbalance. (1) (Photograph courtesy of Anna Salanti)

Diplomychit: a luxuriant form, in which two Mychits lie close together, but which are nevertheless morphologically isolated and have not combined into a Dimychit. Examples include: division stages of Gonidies, Mychits (e.g. Micrococcus) and the growth form of the genus Diplococcus. (3)

Discocytes: healthy red blood corpuscles seen in darkfield are uniformly round, of consistent size (approximately 7.5  micrometers in diameter), highly reflective, independently mobile without sticking, stacking, or linking, and show no growths, flickering, or concentric circles.

The integrity of RBCs is dependent upon many things and is easily influenced by deficiencies of vitamin B12 and folic acid, conditions often associated with intestinal dysbiosis. A concentration of poorly formed RBCs is often due to spleen and/or  liver stress, or infestation with various endobionts and their progressed forms. (1)

Displascit: two Ascits created by fission but still connected (Syndimychits), whose border in the middle is more or less clearly  perceptible, and which, after further development, often cleave tightly together again. (3)

Disporit: = Sporit. (3)

a Echinocytes: are RBCs that have lost their characteristic shape and have become rough and thorny in appearance. This is related to parasitism, potentially the ascit phase. They have also been observed with redox and pH imbalances. R/O Vitamin E deficiency. (See Dioekothecits) (1) (Photograph courtesy of Anna Salanti)

a Elongating Spheres:  are previously spherical forms that begin to elongate - progressing  through various stages into fully developed tubular forms. Enderlein believed that these Elongating Spheres represented the formation of an internal filament around which nuclear material doubled in extent through a series of predictable steps. Whatever the biological mechanism, the systematic elongation of spherical forms into ovals, pear or eggplant shaped forms, and eventually, into well proportioned tubules is always a marker for a disturbed EcoBiotic Terrain that actively supports the  emergence of more complex forms and consequently, or higher potential levels of pathogenesis. (1)

a Emerging Tubule In a highly imbalanced EcoBiotic Terrain, spherical vesicles can sometimes collect all the elements they  need to progress into higher biological forms. In this example, one of the vesicles has reorganized into a large tubular form - what we generically refer to as an ascit. When this process is observed in the plain blood, it is always a sign of significant ecological distress. On a DIAD slide, these forms are frequently seen in hemolyzed (broken down, ed.) regions of the blood -  that is, regions of highly degraded cells. In addition to developing (or “depending”) from spherical forms, these tubules will frequently emerge from Red Blood Corpuscles, often diminishing the RBC in the process. In relatively rare cases, these tubules  can be seen emerging from White Blood Cells. However, you should be certain that the projections are not flaccid portions of the WBC membrane, which may have a similar appearance. (1)

Endothecit: in a syntact Syndimychit, an endogenously formed union of many tightly packed Mych which constitutes a permanent form enclosed by a solid coat. Morphologically, it is itself a syntact Syndimychit. At present, its occurrence is limited to the genus Schaudinnum Enderl. It is ca. 5 long and represents the most evolved fructification. (3)

Endobionts: symbiosis of microorganisms in the human and animal body. (4)

Eosinophils: are leukocytes (white blood cells), which in the darkfield are highly mobile and reflective with granulars that are large, donut-shaped and very white. They characteristically have a horseshoe-shaped nucleus and represent 2% to 4% of the  total leukocytes. Excess numbers indicate allergies, reaction to parasites, irritation, inflammation and degenerative disease. (1)

a Erythrocyte Aggregation: (Erythrocyte is the same as RBC—red blood cell) is a hindrance to proper circulation. The mass of RBCs cannot enter the circulation and cannot exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. The body continues to pay the maintenance cost of these cells. These cells are easily parasitized. This often reflects compensatory alkalemia in the blood, as well as poor utilization of nutrients, including lipids and proteins. Lipolytic enzymes (enzymes that help store fat, ed.) therapy is often indicated.

Lack of, or inability to assimilate, trace minerals, EMF (electro-magnetic field, ed.) exposure, and insufficient enzyme production are considered possible causes. It is believed to be a toxic condition, generally due to long-term stress. This syndrome can be related to, or expresses itself as, metal toxicity, chronic or acute stress, allergies, digestive insufficiency, and negative effects from chemicals, dietary, radiations, and emotional factors. (1) (Photograph courtesy of Anna Salanti)

Erythrocyte Symplast: (See Erythrocyte Aggregation, above)

Euprobaen: the rapid progression of Probaenogeny. (See Bradybaen.) (3)

Eurystatic: long Mychostasis. (See Stenostatic) Thus, an Ascit can be along the long axis and still be stenostatic, or be along the short axis and still be eurystatic. (3)

a Fila on lysed WBC: sometimes, flowing strands of filaments will also develop on White Blood Cells. This is similar to the Fila on RBC Debris shown below, but much less common and therefore, a stronger sign of potential progression.

More often, we see WBCs with rigid or semi-rigid projections. We take these as evidence that the WBC has, during its active phases, absorbed a large quantity of microbiological material that it has not been able to fully destroy. We know that some of the colloids associated with pleomorphic progression are “protease resistant,” meaning that past a certain point, their inter-amino acid bonds cannot be cleaved by enzymatic action. Even though the bacterium or fungus no longer exists as a cellular form, some of its essential building block remain, and begin to re-link within the WBC. (1)

a Fila on RBC Debris:. are short, flexible strings of primitive material, primarily proto-mycelian. Rapid and extensive  progression of this sort suggests compensatory blood alkalemia (increased alkalinity, ed.), a tendency for fungal development in the acidic tissue, and a low aerobic cellular metabolism. (1)

Filamentous Forms include: simple chondrit, articulated chondrit, branched T-mycelia, networked T-mycelia, speculocytes, medusa’s heads, fila on RBC debris, and fila on lysed WBC’s. They are strands of flexible material - are very common developments in the blood.

In plain blood, simple filaments are sometimes seen, especially in areas where Red Blood Corpuscles have become fused  together, either in small clusters, or in large fields. The filaments may appear to be rigid, but when the cells are stressed and broken apart, most often the filaments become highly mobile.

Enderlein called these simple filaments “free chondrits.” They are believed to be polymers of colloidal materials, combining  cellular debris with pleomorphically significant colloids.

When we observe simple filaments, even in large numbers, this can be an indication of a field that is disturbed more by  oxidative stress and other basic physiological imbalances than serious pleomorphic progression. However, when the filaments either present or develop into more complex structures, we again are led to suspect true EcoBiotic distress.

Filamentous forms are found in the following categories:

Simple, linear forms jointed, articulated forms branched, bushy forms networked, interlinked forms short, radial forms (fila) extended, radial forms (Medusa’s Heads)

Collectively, we refer to the more complex forms as “Transitional Mycelia” or “Proto-mycelia.” These are not seen as true  fungal mycelia (the filamentous portion of molds or the long, underground strands of mushroom fibers) but rather, as morphological mimics indicating that the body is in a mycophilic (fungus loving) condition.

We take the appearance of these more complex forms as an indication that regions of the body, especially the intestines but  also other areas, are probably loaded with true fungal material. At the very least, the body is in a state of extreme immune action in its efforts to suppress and contain fungal growth.

An example is Medusa’s Heads--highly developed radial filaments that appear to extend from the centers of degraded RBCs.

When the EcoBiotic Terrain is imbalanced, the blood will frequently show a large number of codocytes and speculocytes. These are RBCs that either have shimmering bulls-eye patterns on their surfaces, or are mirror bright, respectively. It is out experience that these reflective regions represent areas where the front and back of the RBC have become fused together into a semi-solid mass by filamentary fibers developing on the interior of the corpuscle.

When these RBCs break, either through deliberate stress or through natural, hemolytic processes, the fused center will often remain intact as the internal filaments extend and unfold outward. (1)

a Filits: are not observed in healthy blood. The presence of filits indicates potential pathogenicity and progressive movement towards dysbiosis. Thick filits are not only observed with circulatory disorders, but also with arthritic, joint, and rheumatic  disorders. They have a tendency to lodge in joints. Numerous individuals have conducted research on the relationship between filits and cancer. Filits are considered congestive and are the deposition phase of pleomorphism. Filits can be cleared with antioxidants, Mucor, and/or Nigersan. A balanced pH, homeopathic drainage, adequate fluid intake, and exercise are recommended. (1) (Photograph courtesy of Anna Salanti)

Formante: any structurally, physiologically or biologically characterizable phenominonological stage within each of the morphologically established Cyclostages (isostatic Formante). If a Cyclostage cannot be achieved in pure form, then it is regarded as merely a mixostatic Formante. The concept Formante supplants the totally erroneous term mutant, which has a completely different biological significance. (3)

Genode: this is the sum of all generations between two culturings (e.g. after two Agar culturings). Koch was the first to use the erroneous term "generation" for this concept. (3)

Gonascit: an Ascit that is either in the process of creating or has created one or more Gonidies. (3)

Gonidie: (Cohn 1870): a Mychit, usually covered with a fine membrane, as fructification in the Cyclogeny of the Dimychota. It is produced either by the expulsion of the excess Mychoses after Protozygy in the Dimychit or in the Dimychose, or by the decay of a Dimychit (Plastit). As, for example, the Mychit of the Monomychoten, it can reproduce itself through fission by entering the Basit stage. (3)

Gonit: the Mychomerit of the Gonidie prior to the formation of the Spermit and Oit. By itself, it is not capable of development  or reproduction and so dies out if the conditions for conjugation don't arise. (3)

Gonomere: (histology cf. Haecker): the semi-nucleus of gametes (ovum, spermatozöon) after bisection of the Caryon and expulsion of the other half. (3)

Gonomerit: the gamete containing a semi-nucleus (Gonomere) after bisection of the Caryon and expulsion of the other half. (3)


1. Quoted from and Copyright © 1999 - 2002 Stuart Grace

2. Quoted from Michael Coyle at NuLife Sciences

3. Quoted from introductory glossary to Blood Examination in Darkfield according Prof. Gunther Enderlein, by Dr.Maria M. Bleker

4. Quoted from “Prof. Enderlein’s Research in Today’s View” by Dr. Dr. Peter Schneider (January, 2003)


Elements of Comparitive Morphology of Bacteria ©Copyright 1955 for the Estate of Professor Dr. Günther Enderlein,  Germany; excerpted from the book, "Bacteria Cyclogeny" by Professor Dr. Günther Enderlein (English version) (Explore Issue: Volume 11, Number 4)


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